When can I drive after my procedure?
Varies per procedure, but generally when the patient is not taking pain medications and can see clearly
When can I go back to work?
Some people return to work as early as 12-15 days after surgery, depending upon occupation and the procedure
When can I wear makeup?
5 days after Fractional CO2, when peeling has subsided
7-10 days after TCA peel
3-5 days after eye procedures
Other procedures; almost right away
When should I start wearing sunscreen?
3-5 days after a peel or Fractional CO2
Right away after any other procedure
How long do I have to sleep on my back?
Sleep with at least 2 pillows on back until all sutures are removed
What food can I eat after surgery?
Soft, bland food with low sodium
When can I color my hair?
One week before surgery, or one month after surgery
When can I start using blow dryers or styling irons?
2 to 3 weeks after surgery in a cool setting
What kind of shampoo can I use after surgery?
Clarifying shampoo before surgery
Regular shampoo after surgery
How long will bruising last?
Will vary per patient and the activities they do after surgery
How long will swelling last?
Will vary per patient, can be a few days up to 6 months
How long will numbing last?
Will vary per patient, can be a few days up to one year
When can I wear contacts (soft vs hard)?
Soft contacts: 10-12 days after
Hard contacts: at least 14 days after
Right away for patients who didn’t have eye procedures
When will it be okay to travel and be on a plane?
About 10 days after surgery once all the sutures are out
When can I shave (male patients)?
Post Fractional CO2 or chemical peel: once the patient is done peeling, after 5-7 days
Other procedures: after sutures are out; electric razor recommended
How soon before surgery should I get a haircut (male patients)?
We recommend male patients to let hair grow
When does the drain come out?
Between 4-5 days after surgery