If you have ever wanted to amplify the results of a cosmetic skin treatment, you may be a good candidate for photodynamic therapy (PDT). PDT was originally developed as a medical treatment to destroy abnormal or pre-cancerous skin cells. While it is still used for this purpose, doctors and patients quickly recognized that it also improved the appearance of the skin. Now, leading cosmetic centers like Facial Aesthetic Concepts in Orange County offer this special treatment to our appreciative patients. (more…)
Nothing lasts forever, and cosmetic treatments are no exception. While cosmetic procedures can help transform the way you look, they need to be repeated periodically to maintain results over the long term.
With that said, there are certain cosmetic surgeries that are not susceptible to the aging process. If you are looking for permanent results, the plastic surgeons and aestheticians at Facial Aesthetic Concepts invite you to consider one of the following procedures: (more…)
Facial Aesthetic Concepts is one of Orange County’s most trusted providers of injectable treatments, offering (among others) Botox, Dysport, Juvederm, Restylane and Radiesse. While having various injectable options allows our team of doctors, nurses and medical estheticians to address a wide range of imperfections on the skin, we understand that having this many choices can be confusing to patients who are unfamiliar with the differences. In this blog, our team offers guidance on selecting the best injectables. (more…)
Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, ranks as one of the most frequently performed plastic surgery procedures in the United States. Dr. Richard Gangnes and Dr. Bryan Brandon of Facial Aesthetic Concepts in Orange County attribute the surgery’s popularity to its subtle yet transformative results.
Blepharoplasty can be divided into two categories: upper eyelid surgery, which tightens muscles and eliminates surplus skin and fat to raise the elevation of the upper eyelid, and lower eyelid surgery, which focuses on smoothing out the skin immediately below the eyes. In this blog, FAC’s surgeons describe the types of modifications blepharoplasty patients can expect […]
How much time did you spend in the sun this summer? If you are like many of the patients we see at Facial Aesthetic Concepts, you know better than to expose your skin to ultraviolet rays, but the allure of warm temperatures and poolside fun often prevails.
Sun exposure often plays a large role in premature aging of the skin. Imperfections like dark spots, rough texture and lines and wrinkles can all develop on your skin, especially after years of unprotected exposure. Now that autumn has officially arrived, it is a good time to come visit our experts to reverse some […]
Since being approved by the FDA for the treatment of moderate to severe chin fat seven years ago, Kybella has quickly become a favorite treatment among our patients at Facial Aesthetic Concepts. It is a quick and easy way for people who have a double chin due to weight gain or genetics to restore definition to the neck and jawline without so much unappealing fat. In this blog, our team of aestheticians explain why Kybella is recommended among friends so often: (more…)
Rhinoplasty, perhaps better known as a nose job, is one of the most performed plastic surgeries in the U.S. due to its ability to improve the patient’s confidence as well as the appearance of his or her face. Because of the superior surgical skills of our two Double Board-Certified plastic surgeons — Dr. Bryan Brandon and Dr. Richard Gangnes — the team at Facial Aesthetic Concepts meets with a lot of patients who want to learn more about rhinoplasty. Here’s what we look for in a good candidate for the procedure: (more…)
At Facial Aesthetic Concepts Center for Aesthetic Medicine, when we meet with patients who are concerned about acne, we often recommend microneedling. Microneedling is a non-invasive med spa treatment that works on a variety of skin types. In this blog post, our experts explain what microneedling is, as well as its effectiveness on acne and acne scars. (more…)
Both men and women enjoy having a full head of hair, but genetics can cause unwanted hair loss. Fortunately, there are now effective, modern solutions for hair restoration. At Facial Aesthetic Concepts, Dr. Bryan Brandon offers NeoGraft®, which borrows donor hair from the back of the scalp (without taking a full strip that creates scarring) and transplants follicles in the front where hair is missing. In this blog, he discusses whether you may be a good candidate for this procedure. (more…)
A facelift comes top of mind when thinking about facial rejuvenation. If aging and skin laxness have more recently started to detract from your overall appearance, you may be a candidate for microlift (aka mini facelift).
A micolift achieves the same result as a facelift with less trauma to the delicate facial tissues, less bruising, and minimal time away from normal activities.
Dr. Richard Gangnes and Dr. Bryan Brandon, board certified plastic surgeons specializing exclusively in facial plastic surgery at Facial Aesthetic Concepts, share the following reasons their patients choose microlift to refresh their face. (more…)